02 December 2006

Next-Gen Console: You Decide The Best

Good color & contrast using ATI graphic card

PS3 to bright
Just like a lower graphic card

In XBox360, you can see the German army face is full with dust & dirt (are you not taking shower for a week?)
In PS3, man!!! are you taking bath 5 minutes ago?? You look fresh...
In Wii, man!!! you look so young?? How old are you??

Detail environment & blur environment when you focus on the gun aiming

Just blur environment when you focus on the gun aiming

No Comment
You decide it

In Xobx360, detail gun shading & looks like metal
In PS3, not too detail & not too metal
In Wii, No comment!!!

In Xobx360, detail gun shading & looks like metal
In PS3, not too detail & not too metal
In Wii, No comment!!!

In Xbox360, dust & dirt are display cleary at the hand, bomb and screwnut
In PS3, dust & dirt are display not too cleary at the hand, bomb and screwnut
In Wii, no comment
In PS3 I look a tank!!
In Wii, what that uhhh!!

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